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Embridge SHOUT! Appreciating Your Value awards

For the first time in Embridge history and following the worst year EVER, we decided to park the worldwide pandemic hysteria in a cupboard for around an hour or so and celebrate all the good stuff that went on behind the scenes (albeit remotely) during 2020, by holding our very first awards ceremony.

Introducing the Embridge Shout! Appreciating Your Value awards

The awards relate to our Embridge Essentials, acknowledging and recognising our team members and their contributions based around our Embridge values and principles. Promoting positivity and empowerment, our SHOUT! Awards are the perfect way in which to recognise and shout about the incredible value our team members bestow on each other and the business, and highlight in particular, those individuals who have gone the extra mile.

The Trailblazer

For venturing into new areas never attempted before; finding better ways to deliver value to our clients and our partners

Stand Out Performer

Demonstrates unyielding drive and commitment to work and self development; always remaining humble.

The Ultimate Ambassador

Passionate about Embridge and its success; actively promoting Embridge and its talents.

The Accountability Award

For always assuming responsibility for actions and decisions: striving to do the right thing; owning up to and learning from mistakes.

The Motivator

Positive and pro-active; empowering teams and individuals to always strive to achieve new heights; motivating and coaching day-to-day to help others remain positive during adversity or challenges.

Most Supportive Team Player

The person you always want in challenging situations; they support their colleagues through thick and thin; being on hand no matter what and always having the best interests of others at heart.

The Rising Star

By being committed to exceptional service, they have taken significant steps in developing their capabilities and approach to ensure that they are consistently growing and achieving new heights of service delivery

Going Above and Beyond

The person who has gone above and beyond the call of duty; showing a dedication and commitment outside of the bounds of expectations.

All our awards are peer nominated before being carefully assessed by our Senior Management Team, who collectively decide on each worthy winner based on the examples given within the nomination process by their nominators.

The Trailblazer 

Dave W
Jeremy S
Tiago B
Johann M

Stand Out Performer 

Dave W
Heeral V
Johann M
Louise B
Maisie B
Shoaib A
Becky Q
Tiago B
Teresa W
Wojciech G

The Ultimate Ambassador 

Jane M
Jeremy S
Tracey A
Sahra G
Derek E
Tiago B

 Accountability Award  

Derek E
Fiona P
Jeremy S
Louise B
Maisie B
Shoaib A
Teresa W
Graeme W
Tiago B

The Rising Star 

Johann M
Maisie B
Shoaib A
Tiago B

The Motivator

Becky Q
Hany B
Jane M
Nigel P
Sarah L

Most Supportive Team Player 

Becky Q
Chloe P
Derek E
Dave W
Jane M
Teresa W
Graeme W
John H
Newton B
Tiago B

Going Above and Beyond

Dave W
Derek E
Jeremy S
Louise B
Maisie B
Tiago B
Becky Q
Graeme W

The 2020 Embridge SHOUT! WINNERS

The Trailblazer -Tiago B

He sees technical challenges as opportunities not blockers. Has the most amazing ideas and thinks outside the box. Never stops looking at new technologies or thinking of new ideas.

Stand Out Performer – Johann M

Quietly passing exam after exam and achieving top marks! Willingness to learn new products/modules and jump straight into Project Delivery. Demonstrating hard work and commitment.

Ultimate Ambassador – Tracey A

Works tirelessly in promoting Embridge services and their values.  A One woman propaganda machine. Constantly delivering a positive message about Embridge and remains passionate to the end. Really believes in the Embridge brand and goes the extra mile to promote it, she doesn’t just promote, she cares about our reputation in the market place.

Accountability Award – Shoaib A

He always strives to do the right thing and will be up front if he doesn’t quite make it. Pulls out all the stops and is always prepared. Works tirelessly to keep the clients happy and wants to do the right thing for them.

The Motivator – Jane M

Points out a different viewpoint and way of doing things and always brightens my day. Always motivates her peers in her positive outlook in work and life which brings positivity to others.

Most Supportive Team Player – Dave W

For his consistent willingness to support his colleagues and clients. Always goes the extra mile. Takes great pleasure in helping others.

The Rising Star – Maisie B

Maisie is taking on more & more as she develops her skills. Picks up her new responsibilities very quickly. Stepped up during the time her colleagues were unavailable, and she met the challenges head on. “Not only has she matured personally, but she is slowly beginning to realise the greatness of her abilities.

Huge CONGRATULATIONS  to ALL the worthy nominees and our 2020 winners of our very first SHOUT! Awards ceremony.

We are super proud to SHOUT! about our fantastic team and their commendable achievements and feel very honoured to be able to celebrate their individual impact on both the business and their peers by sharing their successes with you!


Fancy joining our winning team? Why not head over to our Careers/Vacancies page to check out available positions we are currently recruiting for and why we think Embridge Consulting is a great place to work?  https://embridgeconsulting.com/careers/

Embridge Consulting

About Embridge Consulting

Embridge Consulting is a leading boutique systems integration consultancy, specialising in Unit4 ERP and other partners.

Founded in 2009 and headquartered in the UK, the consultancy works with clients in the public sector, nonprofit, professional services, and other sectors to provide a more personal and tailored client experience compared to other, more traditional global systems integrators. Through professional and experienced consulting, best-in-class ERP technology, training, and a commitment to continual client improvement, Embridge is helping clients achieve faster time to value from digital transformation programs, at lower cost and with less risk.

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