Embridge Training

Training Courses

Budgeting and Forecasting for Unit4 ERP

Get hands-on experience and understanding of budget entry and forecasting in the Unit4 Planner module to support internal budgeting strategies.

Duration: 1 Day

Level | Getting to Grips

Get hands-on experience and understanding of budget entry and forecasting in the Unit4 Planner module to support internal budgeting strategies.


This course gives you hands-on experience of building & using Unit4 for Budgeting & Forecasting, by:​

  • Setting up an initial budget to be entered in Unit4 or via a Spreadsheet upload​
  • Add functionality to a budget for automation and profiling​
  • Create a balancing Virement budget​
  • Report on budgets ​
  • Set up a Forecast Budget​
  • Create budget entry screens for original, virement and forecast budget transactions.​
  • You will have a good understanding of the elements involved so that you can transfer that knowledge to your own Unit4 system design and your business processes.
Learning outcomes

This is a 2-day advanced course, designed to give you an understanding of how Unit4 ERP Planner is used and built. Aimed at advanced users who will be involved in building/maintainng their Unit4 system, the objective of this course is to provide a hands-on experience so users understand how to:

  • Set up an initial budget that can be entered manually or via a spreadsheet upload
  • Add functionality to a budget for automation and profiling
  • Create a balancing virement budget
  • Report on budgets
  • Set up a forecast
  • Create a budget entry (manual/upload) system for original, virement and forecast budget transactions.
Delegate pre-requisites

Budget to Control (B2C – Planner) Familiarisation

Who is it for?

  • Budget Administrator
  • Management Accountant/Financial Analyst
  • System Accountant

Interactive workshop with an experienced consultant. All Embridge Unit4 courses are currently delivered in English.

Course Structure

Session 1

Planner Overview & Terminology​

In this session you will be given an introduction to the Unit4 ERP Planner module and the processes involved in budgeting setup and build.

Session 2

Planner Setup Overview

In this session you will be given an introduction to the elements required in setting up the Unit4 ERP Planner module.

You will cover:

  • Build Elements
  • Timeframe
  • Versions
  • Transaction entry setup
  • Transaction Rules
  • User Defined Menu entries
  • Workflow
Session 3

Planner Elements Creation

In this session you will understand how to create and build the elements needed for the Unit4 ERP Planner module.

You will cover how to build and test:

  • Timeframe
  • Versions
  • Transaction entry setup
  • Transaction Rules
  • User Defined Menu entries
  • Workflow
Session 4

Transaction Upload using Excelerator

In this session you will understand how to action a Transaction upload in to the Unit4 ERP Planner module using the Excelerator add-in tool.

Session 5

Batches and Unit4 Planner

In this session you will understand how to setup and enter a budget using Batches​ in to the Unit4 ERP Planner module.

Session 6

Overview of the Budget Forecasting tool​

In this session you will see how to identify and use the Forecasting function to understand the difference between a budget entry and ‘actuals’ from the General Ledger.

Session 7

Key Planner Maintenance Tasks

In this session you will understand key system maintenance tasks in the Unit4 Planner.

You will cover:

  • Copying a Version
  • Adjusting Budgets​


Premium Education training subscription

Part of the College of Finance

Premium Education training is a people-centric approach to driving training and development by always learning; learning all ways. Our subscription-based training services gives the employee and employer a suite of Unit4 training allowing the flexibility to empower your employees for effective, efficient, and proficient use of technology and solution platforms at their fingertips.

More details about Premium Education will be coming soon. Watch this space!

In the mean time if you would like to know more email enquiries@embridgeconsulting.com

Cancellation policy

All courses are delivered virtually, price per person plus VAT. On site training is available on request. Please read our cancellation policy and booking terms and conditions before checkout.


*Interactive workshop with an experience consultant. Select the number of attendees above. Course is delivered virtually and the price is plus VAT. By booking, you agree to our Terms & Conditions. An invoice with details on how to pay will be sent to your registered email address.

The training was exceptional and learned so much in a space of 7 hours. The trainer was amazing overall and the pace of the training was relevantly easy to follow.

Places for People Data Migration / Report Writer
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