Embridge Training

Training Courses

SQL Basics for Unit4 ERP

Enable your users to enter into the wonderful world of SQL and give them the understand how it can be used to interrogate the Unit4 ERP.

Duration: 1 Day

Level | Getting Advanced

Enable your users to enter into the wonderful world of SQL and give them the understand how it can be used to interrogate the Unit4 ERP.


Increase your internal skills levels for superior maintenance and query reporting at the database level.
Aimed at the more technical user, this course gives an introduction to SQL and how it can be used to enhance the Unit4 ERP, making query reports more flexible by combining database tables so that enquiries are more flexible and ultimately more relevant to your audience.
Learning outcomes

Designed for users to gain an overview and guidance on how to write simple SQL for use primarily in Unit4 Excelarator reporting covering:
  • The basics of SQL enabling you to extract and manipulate data for Excelarator reports
  • An introduction to basic SQL Language
  • The tools to enhance Excelarator reporting capabilities
Delegate pre-requisites

Good technical and functional understanding of Unit4 ERP

Who is it for?

  • Application Support
  • System Administrator
  • Technical Support
  • Report Writers

Interactive workshop with an experienced consultant. All Embridge Unit4 courses are currently delivered in English.

Course Structure

Session 1

Introduction to SQL

In this session, you will gain a basic understanding of SQL and its formats.
This session covers:
  • The structure of a SQL Query
  • How it can be used in Unit4 Excelarator
Session 2

Selecting Data

In this session you will understand how to select data for your SQL query.
This session covers:
  • How to identify fields to select
  • How to avoid duplicate field names
  • How field names relate to different Unit4 tables
Session 3

Table Selection

In this session you will understand the Unit4 table names and table joins.
This session covers:
  • A single table enquiry
  • Multiple table joins
  • Use of table aliases
  • The difference between inner and outer joins
Session 4

Data Restriction

In this session, you will look at the ‘where’ clause in a SQL statement.
This session covers:
  • Why you restrict in the ‘where’ clause?
  • The ‘where’ terminology.
Session 5


In this session you will discover how to sort data in your SQL query and understand the ‘order by’ clause.
Session 6

Sum and Group

In this session you will understand how to aggregate data to make your query more efficient.
This session covers:
  • How to sum amounts in SQL
  • How to select the Max / Min date etc
  • The purpose of group and having
Session 7

Advanced functions

In this session you will understand some of the additional functions available in SQL
Note: This session is deigned using a selection of the more useful features and does not cover all available functions.
This session covers:
  • Some additional functions and SQL code
  • How to use a sub select statement
  • Various other hints and tips
Session 8

Database Structure

In this session you will understand how the data dictionary and data model fit into the Unit4 ERP model.
This session covers:
  • What is the data dictionary?
  • How can it be used for SQL queries?
  • What is the Data Model and how does it work in the Unit4 ERP?
Session 9

SQL and Unit4 ERP

In this session you will understand more about how SQL works with Unit4 ERP and can be used behind the scenes in the product.
This session covers:
  • What is a database view and how is it created / used?
  • How What is an AG16 and what is its purpose?
  • SQL with Excelarator
  • How to interpret log files

Premium Education training subscription

Part of the College of Reporting and Technical

Premium Education training is a people-centric approach to driving training and development by always learning; learning all ways. Our subscription-based training services gives the employee and employer a suite of Unit4 training allowing the flexibility to empower your employees for effective, efficient, and proficient use of technology and solution platforms at their fingertips.

More details about Premium Education will be coming soon. Watch this space!

In the mean time if you would like to know more email enquiries@embridgeconsulting.com

Cancellation policy

All courses are delivered virtually, price per person plus VAT. On site training is available on request. Please read our cancellation policy and booking terms and conditions before checkout.


*Interactive workshop with an experience consultant. Select the number of attendees above. Course is delivered virtually and the price is plus VAT. By booking, you agree to our Terms & Conditions. An invoice with details on how to pay will be sent to your registered email address.

Overall we found the course extremely useful and could possibly benefit from being a 2 day course that would allow more time on examples and to embed knowledge further.

Plymouth University Senior Finance Systems Manager
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