Embridge Training

Training Courses

Expenses Module in Unit4 ERP

Learn how efficient expenses entry recording and processing in the Unit4 ERP Expenses module, firmly puts control over accuracy and consistent input in your workers hands whilst giving you confidence that the background processing and automation is in line with your own policies and thresholds.

Duration: 1 Day

Level | Getting To Grips

Learn how efficient expenses entry recording and processing in the Unit4 ERP Expenses module, firmly puts control over accuracy and consistent input in your workers hands whilst giving you confidence that the background processing and automation is in line with your own policies and thresholds.


Providing practical examples for expense claim processing based on self-service input, role-based areas of responsibility and workflow approval, this course provides users with experience of how the Unit4 Expenses module allows the easy entry of expenses by type with supporting attachments, promoting consistency of data entry and reducing painful claim processing.

The course will provide an understanding of the automation behind expenses giving them awareness of how workflow approvals can streamline your organisations travel and expenses processes supporting decision making and claim monitoring.

Learning outcomes

The objectives of this course are to help you gain a better understanding of Unit4 ERP Expenses module to enhance your skills and knowledge as an end user for entry and claim approvals, and to understand how to setup and use Unit4 expenses so you
can transfer that knowledge to your own system design

Delegate pre-requisite

Familiarisation – Hire to Retire (H2R) HR

Who is it for?

HR Administrator
HR Manager

Course Structure

Session 1


This session will provide an introduction to the Unit4 ERP Expenses module providing a view of how this will look to an end user.

Session 2

Build Requirement Scenario

In this session there is an introduction to the build requirements for the Unit4 ERP Expenses module and its associated elements.

Session 3

Overview of Core Transaction Setup

In this session users are provided with an overview of the following elements:

  • Overview​ of Setup
  • Transaction Series & Types​
  • Posting Cycle​
  • Optional System Parameters
Session 4

Expenses Setup & Entry

In this session, delegates will receive an understanding of how expenses are created and their impact on payment, focussing on the following areas:

  • Travel Rules​
  • Attributes & Values​
  • Value References & Rates​
  • P&D Register​
  • Expense Types​
  • Windows Options
Session 5

Expenses Workflow, Posting and the Mobile App

In this session, attendees will be introduced to the expenses workflow process providing examples for:

  • The Process definition
  • Workflow Enquiry
  • Expenses Approval and posting
  • Setup of Expenses Proxies
  • Data Control
  • Mobile App examples


Premium Education training subscription

Part of the College of Finance

Premium Education training is a people-centric approach to driving training and development by always learning; learning all ways. Our subscription-based training services gives the employee and employer a suite of Unit4 training allowing the flexibility to empower your employees for effective, efficient, and proficient use of technology and solution platforms at their fingertips.

More details about Premium Education will be coming soon. Watch this space!

In the mean time if you would like to know more email enquiries@embridgeconsulting.com

Cancellation policy

All courses are delivered virtually, price per person plus VAT. On site training is available on request. Please read our cancellation policy and booking terms and conditions before checkout.


*Interactive workshop with an experience consultant. Select the number of attendees above. Course is delivered virtually and the price is plus VAT. By booking, you agree to our Terms & Conditions. An invoice with details on how to pay will be sent to your registered email address.

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